Katharine Branning
Blue Dome Press
Yes, I Would Love Another Glass of Tea: An American Woman’s Letters to Turkey
A twist on travel journaling inspired by an English Ambassador's perceptive wife in 1700's Turkey.
Christine Bader
The Evolution Of A Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil
There are others like me working from within, says a young corporate idealist telling her story.
Edward J. Larson
Yale University Press
An Empire Of Ice: Scott, Shackleton, And The Heroic Age of Antarctic Science
Early South Pole science had a lasting impact says this Pulitzer-winning author. ​
Rachael Pastan
Alena: A Novel
A contemporary recasting of the haunting old gothic English mystery novel, Rebecca (from Frenchman Daphne du Maurier).
Steve Hamm & John E. Kelly, III
Columbia Business School Publishing
Smart Machines: IBM’s Watson and the Era of Cognitive Computing
Cognitive (human-like) computers will transform our future.