Patty Carroll & Bruce Kraig
AltaMira Press
Man Bites Dog: Hot Dog Culture in America
With baseball season in full swing, this book explores the history, regional differences, and some recipes -- of a food uniting all Americans.
Nadia Hashimi
William Morrow
The Pearl that Broke Its Shell: A Novel
An Afghan-American tells two parallel stories -- of an Afghan girl and her great-great grandmother -- struggling against fate and cultural reality.
Daphne Kalotay
Sight Reading: A Novel
Spanning decades and The Atlantic, this tale of a love triangle involves classical musicians performing together in a renown major orchestra.
Clay Risen
Bloomsbury Press
The Bill of the Century: The Epic Battle for the Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act at 50: a history of the battle for civil rights, including Johnson and King, and beyond.
Julia Dahl
Invisible City
In the author's debut novel, a woman from a broken family covers a murder case as a big-city reporter and finds religion impeding justice.